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- #1650
- @001 Enter the name of the party assigning the contract:
- @002 Enter the name of the second party to original contract:
- @003 Enter the name of party to receive assignment of contract:
- @165 Enter the date of original contract:
- @166 Enter the type of contract:
- #1651 Will party to receive assignment perform contract?
- #if#1651
- @333 Enter the date that transition will occur:
- #endif
- #1654/#1652 Will the second party to original contract consent?
- Yes, second party will consent and sign assignment
- No, assignment is solely between buyer and seller of business
- #end control section
- #1650
- /* Para. 1650: Assignment of contract */
- WHEREAS, on @165, @001 and @002, entered into a contract to @166;
- and, WHEREAS,
- this contract is still in force and effect;
- and, @003 is desirous of obtaining an assignment of the rights
- of @001,
- That @001 herewith assigns its rights under the contract between
- it and @002 to @003.
- @001 agrees to executed any further instruments reasonably
- required by @003 to effect this assignment.
- #1651
- /* Para. 1651: Duties under the contract to be assumed */
- @003 shall assume all of the obligations under the contract of
- @001 described above effective @333. @003 shall indemnify and
- hold @001 harmless from any and all claims related to its
- performance of the assigned agreement.
- #1654
- /* Para. 1654 */
- @002 herewith consents to the assignment herein.
- Dated: ___________________________
- ______________________________________________
- @001
- ______________________________________________
- @002
- ______________________________________________
- @003
- #1652
- /* Para. 1652: End */
- Dated: ___________________________
- ______________________________________________
- @001
- ______________________________________________
- @003